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12 December 2019 Germany publishes draft ATAD implementation law On 11 December 2019, the first draft of the German “Law implementing the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance-Directive” (“Draft Law”; Council Directives 2016/1164 of 12 July 2016, and 2017/952 of 29 May 2017, “ATAD I and II”) was released for public consultation. The further legislative process is expected to take place very quickly; Government approval of the bill is already expected for the week of 16 December. The Draft Law includes significant changes to the German taxation of cross-border transactions which partly go beyond those mandated by the European Union (EU) directives. Most of the measures will be applicable from 1 January 2020 onwards.
Germany already has a wide range of rules that are intended to counter undesired tax outcomes due to the mismatch of rules in an international context. Most of the existing rules however deal with German-outbound situations only; there are as yet only limited rules that tie the tax treatment of intra-group expenses to the tax treatment at the recipient level (a significant exception being the royalty limitation rule, which since 2018 partially or wholly denies royalty deductions to non-OECD-compliant preferential tax regimes). This would change with the now proposed introduction of a far-reaching general anti-hybrid rule. The draft rule is broadly based on the OECD Action 2 proposal and the ATAD I and II wording. It notably does not cover cases where the foreign non- or low taxation is not triggered by a hybrid mismatch, but due to the general rules applied in the recipient jurisdiction. Hence, the proposed rule would cover the German deductibility of expenses in the following situations:
In all of these cases, the German deduction is wholly denied (in the case of financing transactions, potentially only partly, if the mismatch only results in “lower” taxation, but not in a non-taxation). The rule applies to all related-party transactions (including persons acting in concert) as well as “dealings” between headquarters and PEs and also to structured arrangements involving third parties, where it is apparent from the contractual documentation or otherwise that a tax advantage resulting from a mismatch was intended. Only where it is reasonable to assume that a taxpayer which is party to an arrangement with a third party was not aware of any tax mismatch advantages and the taxpayer can demonstrate that he/she actually did not benefit from the tax mismatch, no structured arrangement would be assumed. To address potential hybrid PE mismatches, there is also a proposal to not grant to German taxpayers a treaty-based PE income exemption to the extent that non-taxation would arise due to assumed dealings or a PE income exemption applied by the source/PE country. Considering that currently no consensus at the OECD level can be reached on how to price intercompany financial transactions, Germany issues its own view on how to deal with certain key controversial aspects in this area that have been subject to intense discussions and court decisions in the last few months and over the years. As such, this area of changes increases the likelihood of international disputes. The Draft Law would implement a separate provision on financial intercompany transactions according to which interest expenses for an intercompany cross-border financing relationship (defined as in particular loans as well as the use or provision of debt or debt-like instruments) can only be deducted if the taxpayer can, cumulatively, demonstrate that:
Even though the reference to the group’s interest rate generally appears similar to a “safe harbor interest rate,” provided that the additional requirements are met, it has to be understood as a limitation of the acceptable interest rate. The explanatory notes provided with the draft stipulate that the German entity’s stand-alone rating would be decisive if it should be better than the group’s overall rating. If these requirements cannot be demonstrated by the taxpayer, the interest deduction is generally denied in full. Further, there is a specific rule established to deal with pass-through loans that is also relevant to financing companies as well as cash pool leaders and cash pool members. In the case that financial transactions are conveyed, passed-through or mediated in any way, such service is considered per se a low-value-adding activity according to the Draft Law. This is applicable to captive treasury centers and captive financing companies performing, e.g., liquidity management, financial risk management for other group companies. It is even noted that the remuneration for such transactions should be limited notwithstanding any double tax treaty to a risk-free interest rate. Such risk-free rate is defined as government bonds of highest creditworthiness and with similar terms. As such for bonds with currently mostly negative yields,1 the law prescribes a negative remuneration. Further aspects of the actual application of this new rule are quite unclear, e.g., the aspect of whether the risk-free interest rate should effectively be applied on the loan itself in the case of a fully equity funded financing company. There are reasons to believe that this should not be the case, but the current Draft Law does not describe this with certainty. It could also be questionable if such an extensive interpretation of the law would be in accordance with vested EU principles such as the freedom of movement of capital doctrine. The impact of these proposed legislative changes on existing intercompany financial transactions is currently unclear. The fact that the German Government is drafting this as new law suggests that the current rules do not allow the described adjustments and interpretations. From this perspective existing arrangements may rely on the interpretation of the current law and tax court decisions. However, whether this view will prevail is unclear and most likely controversial. Historically, there are precedents where German tax authorities have interpreted legislative changes to TP rules as mere clarification of the existing arm’s-length principle and have tried to apply new laws retroactively. The impact of these new rules cannot be underestimated. They will have a substantial impact not only on German taxpayers but also the international bodies addressing how to deal with the TP aspects going forward, generally. The ATAD Directive requires EU Member States to allow a deferred payment of any tax relating to a deemed gain from an exit event (e.g., the transfer of assets from a German PE to a foreign (EU) headquarters or the transfer of an asset from a German headquarters to an EU PE). The deferral would be granted through a payment of the tax in five equal, annual installments, subject to certain security and holding conditions. In addition, the ATAD Directive stipulates that Member States should introduce corresponding valuation rules for assets which are transferred cross-border, so that the receiving country would be bound to step up the tax basis of the transferred asset to the value which had been underlying an exit taxation at the level of the transferor country. The Draft Law follows the principles mandated by the ATAD. This leads to several significant changes compared to the current legal situation:
The Ministry of Finance took the position that the German CFC rules are generally in line with the ATAD requirements, so only a few but material changes were proposed by the draft. The current “high tax kick out” rate for German CFC income is 25%. For quite some time now, the German Government was confronted with taxpayer demands to lower that threshold, since now in many significant foreign jurisdictions, including the US, the effective ordinary corporate tax rates are or may be below that level. The hope was thus, that Germany would, in the course of the ATAD adaption, also lower the CFC income pick up threshold to a tax rate of 15%, or at least 20%, or alternatively allow a credit of foreign taxes on CFC income against the German Trade Tax (a second German business income tax with an average rate of 14%). However, none of those expectations materialized, and the draft law neither includes a rate drop, nor a tax credit for Trade Tax. First, the law introduces, in line with ATAD I, a broader control concept (control is defined as the majority of a direct or an indirect participation in the voting rights, capital or profits of the foreign company). Now, ownership interests of foreign related parties are also considered when determining whether a German taxpayer controls a foreign company. In principle, this can result in CFC taxation, even if the German taxpayer owns only a small interest in a foreign subsidiary (Example: US parent owns 100% of German company B. B owns 5% in foreign company C, A owns the remainder 95% in C – B would be deemed to have “control” over C). CFC taxation is now in addition imposed on foreign (nonresident) taxpayers, which own CFCs through a German PE. For example, if a foreign taxpayer is a controlling partner in a German limited partnership (KG), which owns foreign subsidiaries which are allocable to the German business of the KG, that partner may now be subject to German CFC taxation on the income of the foreign subsidiaries. All low-taxed income which does not qualify as “active” income (so called “passive” income) is subject to German CFC taxation. The catalogue of active income has, for the most part, in principle been maintained as is. The draft includes ATAD I-mandated changes which broadens the passive income definition for income earned on goods and services purchased from or sold to related enterprises. The most significant changes relate to the treatment of the CFC’s dividend income. CFC dividend income is now passive, if: (i) the dividend is a hybrid payment, unless certain narrow exceptions apply; (ii) the dividend is a portfolio dividend (<10% ownership); and (iii) certain other dividends, which would not be exempt under German law, had they been received by a resident taxpayer. On a positive note, the passive income definition for CFC capital gains realized on the disposition of shares has been eased. It is now no longer necessary for the active income qualification of that income category to prove that the sold entity did not own any assets with capital investment character. Likewise, the active income definition of gains realized in corporate reorganizations (e.g., a CFC merger) has been eased. It is now also no longer required to prove the absence of assets with capital investment character for the CFC transferee in qualifying corporate reorganizations, as the investment asset test has been abolished. The so-called CFC “motive test” or anti-abuse test (according to the 2006 Cadbury Schweppes decision of the ECJ), which bars CFC taxation of an EU/EEA Member State has been tightened. To meet the test, the language of the law requires now more precisely the presence of a substantial business activity, which the CFC needs to pursue “on its own” on the basis of appropriate operating substance and qualified personnel. The CFC income is now deemed received by the German tax resident at the end of the fiscal year of the CFC. Under the current regime, CFC income is deemed received by the German taxpayer a logical second after the fiscal year of the CFC. Because of this timing change, German taxpayers with CFC income from calendar year CFCs will face in 2020 a double attribution of CFC income (2019 and 2020 CFC income is taxed all in 2020). The CFC law changes would apply effectively to all taxpayers with a fiscal year ending in 2020 (i.e., for taxpayers which are not on a calendar year, the changes apply earlier). The Draft Law includes significant changes to the German interpretation of the arm’s-length standard as well as to the German TP documentation rules. It aims to update the German TP rules to reflect recent international developments appropriately (mainly the OECD BEPS initiative which resulted among others in the BEPS report for Actions 8-10 “Aligning Transfer Pricing Outcomes with Value Creation” (BEPS Report 8-10), which is included in the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations 2017 (OECD TP Guidelines). The international developments emphasize the increased economic point of view in transfer pricing with the concept of aligning taxation with value creation. According to the German legislator the contemplated changes in the German TP rules are intended to clarify these aspects and provide for a general set of rules. The existing section 1 of the German Foreign Tax Act (AStG) includes the German interpretation of the arm’s-length standard. This section has been completely rewritten, and while some modifications are rather editorial, other modifications constitute significant changes to the current rules. Section 90 of the German Fiscal Code (AO) includes the general German TP documentation obligations, which have been partly updated.
Under existing German law, an APA is the combination of an advance agreement between countries regarding the transfer price between internationally affiliated companies and an advance commitment based thereon. APAs find their legal basis in the respective DTTs, in the respective articles on mutual agreement procedures. The existing APA procedures in Germany are based on a circular issued by the BMF, which contains detailed information and guidance about how APAs are carried out in Germany. The Draft Law now introduces a legal basis in Germany for the conclusion of APAs with certain changes to the existing APA procedures. The German legislator aims to emphasize its willingness to conduct APA procedures and to demonstrate that legal certainty is of significant importance. A key change is the possibility for a taxpayer to apply for an APA not only in the context of transfer pricing (i.e., double taxation arising from article 7 or 9 of the OECD Model Tax Treaty), but rather for all cross-border transactions, if the DTT concluded between the countries includes a clause similar to article 25 of the OECD Model Tax Treaty. The Draft Law explicitly offers the possibility for a taxpayer to apply for a multilateral APA to facilitate the administrative burden for an applicant. An APA process can be initiated upon application, if the APA request is subject to the tax assessment of a clearly defined and - at the time of application - unrealized fact pattern for which double taxation risk exists, which can be prevented by the APA procedure. The APA term shall regularly be not more than five years and can also be rolled-back to previous years upon request considering the legal deadlines in the respective DTT. A signed APA can be renewed upon request as well. The APA request has to include all information and supporting documents required to assess the specific case from a tax perspective as well as a description and justification of the double tax risk for the case subject to the APA. The APA request may be rejected if the double taxation risk is not sufficiently presented and if it is likely that the APA may not prevent the double taxation for the specific case. The APA request can be filed either in written form or electronically and must enable the competent authority, which remains the German Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt), to initiate and conduct the APA process. For transfer pricing cases, the BZSt now charges a fee of €30,000 (increased from €20,000) for processing a new APA request and €15,000 for an APA renewal. The fee for non-transfer pricing cases is reduced to 25% of the fee for TP cases and special fees apply under certain conditions for companies that have been subject to a coordinated bilateral or multilateral joint tax audit as well as for APA requests with smaller transaction volumes. The new regulation will be applicable for applications filed after the official announcement of the new law. For applications filed before, the current regulations will continue to apply. Broadly, the German exit taxation for individuals is triggered upon the relocation of a German tax resident to a Member State or a third country whereby Germany loses its right to tax the shares. The rules apply in relation to substantial shareholdings (>1%). The revision of the rules was required due to the latest ECJ proceedings. The new rules proposed by the German Ministry of Finance do not differentiate between transferring the tax residence to a Member State or a third country. While so far, an exit tax deferral was granted for tax residence transfers to Member States until the individual has sold the shareholdings and triggered the capital gain, the deferral shall now be granted by paying the tax in equal installments over a period of seven years (“one-fits-all solution”). I.e., the relocation triggers in all cases directly a capital gain taxation (dry income) without any option for a full and generally unlimited deferral. In this context, it should be noted that changes in the value of the shares after the relocation are not taken into consideration for the purposes of the German exit taxation. The option for the individual to transfer back its tax residence has generally been maintained and extended by two years to seven years, while the additional option to extend the period by five years remained unchanged. However, even if the motivation to relocate back to Germany is properly substantiated before the relocation, no special deferral will be granted but the payment condition as outlined before (seven installments) will be applied automatically. The exit tax is only triggered if the individual was a German tax resident for 7 years before the relocation. 1. Ernst & Young LLP (United States), German Tax Desk, New York
Ernst & Young LLP (United States), EMEIA Transfer Pricing Desk, New York
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Document ID: 2019-6579 |