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April 16, 2020

Tuesday, 21 April 2020 | Trade disruptions, scenario modelling and mitigation planning (10:30 am BST)

EY would like to invite you to the fourth in our series of webcasts on the Power of Technology in Global Trade. The next webcast will address the topic of trade disruption and the potential to use scenario modelling as part of mitigation planning. The team will explain key issues and trends on this topic, alongside examples of the cost and complexity that we come across regularly in supply chains. 

Understanding the impact of trade disruption and the options for mitigation will be key for businesses in the future.  This session will examine recent events in the global arena and discuss how analytics can assist in forward planning.

This session will discuss the developing use of GTM solutions in the UK today and the range of software available to match different requirements. This may include making your own customs declarations and also managing duty relief schemes.

We hope you will be able to join us.

Date: Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Time: 10:30–11:15 a.m. BST

Registration: Register for this event.

Missed a webcast in our series? 

The previous webcasts looked at the following topics and include links to the replays:

  • The first webcast covered how to use trade data to improve trade flows, assess compliance risks, identify trade trends, broker performance/accuracy, supply flows, supplier oversight, product classification/value/origin errors, etc. 
  • The second webcast covered classifications, mainly as a key legal requirement for customs declarations and that they determine not only the duty liability associated with an imported product but also other tariff and non-tariff measures that apply to the product.  It is essential therefore to ensure that they are correct, and we discuss how analytics can assist and simplify the classification compliance process.
  • The third webcast covered origin calculations, evidencing that Rules of Origin are met and how having an effective origin management system will become ever more important for accessing reduced or nil duty rates under Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). This will be particularly important regarding a potential future FTA between the UK and the European Union. Analytics can significantly simplify and speed up this process. This session discussed recent changes in UK, Global FTAs and how analytics could provide solutions going forward.

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