27 April 2020

Americas Tax Roundup – 27 April 2020

EY’s Americas Tax Roundup newsletter, prepared by EY Global Tax, provides a summary of the top weekly tax news, trends and developments in the Americas. 

Highlights of this week’s edition include:

  • COVID-19 relief measures continue throughout Americas
  • US passes interim coronavirus relief package; releases guidance for foreign businesses and nonresident aliens affected by travel disruptions; issues guidance implementing CARES Act provisions; and announces relief for importers 
  • Canada updates Canada Emergency Response Benefit and Federal Economic Response Plan 
  • Colombia issues additional COVID-19 tax measures
  • Ecuador’s National Assembly to consider proposed measures to safeguard employment and to create a new tax to increase funding to combat COVID-19
  • Uruguay establishes ‘COVID-19 Solidarity Fund’ and ‘COVID-19 Sanitary Emergency Tax’ and allows tax-free imports and exports of certain products
  • EY COVID-19 tracker tools provide global legislative, force majeure, labor/employment, mobility, immigration, tax controversy and trade/customs resources
  • Argentina modifies informative regime requiring local entities and individuals to report further information on foreign entities
  • Costa Rica’s Ministry of Foreign Trade requests comments on draft authorized exporter regulations 
  • US taxpayer considerations of OECD's recent transfer-pricing guidance on financial transactions 
  • US IRS releases FAQs on transfer pricing documentation best practices 
  • Canada to increase processing fees for Permanent Residency applications 
  • EY’s ‘Latest on BEPS and Beyond’ for April 2020



Americas Tax Roundup – 27 April 2020

Document ID: 2020-5646