19 October 2020

Americas Tax Roundup – 19 October 2020

EY’s Americas Tax Roundup newsletter, prepared by EY Global Tax, provides a summary of the top weekly tax news, trends and developments in the Americas. Highlights of this week’s edition include:

  • COVID-19 relief measures continue throughout Americas
  • OECD's Inclusive Framework releases BEPS 2.0 documents and agrees to continue work with target of conclusion by mid-2021
  • G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ meeting communiqué extends mandate of Inclusive Framework to continue negotiations on BEPS 2.0 project until mid-2021
  • Argentina issues guidance on foreign exchange regulations
  • Peruvian tax authorities address merger of nonresident entities with one entity having a permanent establishment in Peru
  • Peruvian Tax Court rules Peruvian payor may not consider double tax treaty benefits when determining the withholding tax because the Certificate of Residency was issued retroactively
  • Puerto Rico: statement by government official suggests that US proposed foreign tax credit regulations would not affect the credit claimed by US related parties for the excise tax paid to Puerto Rico under Act 154
  • US elections and tax policy: Latest EY insights
  • This week’s tax treaty news in the Americas
  • Upcoming EY webcasts
  • US Cross-Border Taxation weekly podcast, 16 October 2020
  • The week’s EY Tax Alerts
  • EY Industry and Tax Services publications



Americas Tax Roundup – 19 October 2020

Document ID: 2020-6348