22 February 2021

Costa Rica’s President and the Ministry of Finance publish “guidelines for the implementation of treaty provisions and agreements for the importation of goods”

The decree establishes procedures for implementing various treaties and agreements in force in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica’s President and the Ministry of Finance published in the Official Gazette, Executive Decree No. 42799-H, containing the "Guidelines for the implementation of treaty provisions and agreements in Costa Rica, relating to the importation of goods under tariff preferences.” The decree went into effect on 9 February 2021.

Under the decree, the Ministry of Finance, the Directorate-General for Customs and the Ministry of Foreign Trade will coordinate through the Directorate for the Implementation of International Trade Agreements to correctly implement international trade treaties and agreements and facilitate foreign trade.

The decree covers the submission of a copy of the Certificate of Origin, the electronic transmission of a Certificate of Origin and use of the digital signature. The decree also addresses differences in the tariff classification, how to correct a Certificate of Origin and the submission of other import documents, among other things.


For additional information with respect to this Alert, please contact the following:

Ernst & Young, S.A., San José, Costa Rica

Rafael Sayagués | rafael.sayagues@ey.com

Juan Carlos Chavarría | juan-carlos.chavarria@cr.ey.com

Carolina Palma | carolina.palma@cr.ey.com

Ana G Sánchez Wellermann | gabriela.sanchez@cr.ey.com

María Sequeira | maria.sequeira@cr.ey.com

José Martínez Loría | jose.martinez.loria@cr.ey.com

Daniela Torres Gatica | daniela.torres.gatica@cr.ey.com

Ernst & Young LLP (United States), Latin American Business Center, New York

Ana Mingramm | ana.mingramm@ey.com

  • Pablo Wejcman | pablo.wejcman@ey.com

  • Enrique Perez Grovas | enrique.perezgrovas@ey.com

    Ernst & Young Abogados, Latin America Business Center, Madrid

    Jaime Vargas | jaime.vargas.c@es.ey.com

    Ernst & Young LLP (United Kingdom), Latin American Business Center, London

    Lourdes Libreros | lourdes.libreros@uk.ey.com

    Ernst & Young Tax Co., Latin American Business Center, Japan & Asia Pacific

    Raul Moreno, Tokyo | raul.moreno@jp.ey.com

  • Luis Coronado, Singapore | luis.coronado@sg.ey.com

    Document ID: 2021-5209