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March 23, 2021

Tuesday, 27 April, 2021 | ASEAN-6 panel discussions: Integrated regional value chains (Part 2) (4 pm BST)

Part 2: Electronics and automotive

Following supply disruptions of everything from pasta to masks, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated a rethink of how multinational corporations configure their global supply chains. With its geographic proximity and strong trading ties with China, businesses seeking greater supply chain diversity are looking to ASEAN and its potential as alternatives to build greater supply chain resilience.

Although increasingly viewed as an integrated regional bloc, ASEAN is by no means a homogenous factory. With each of ASEAN's 10 member states having its own production capabilities and specialties, which countries and sectors warrant closer attention? What are the features of the overall industry landscape across the region? How do these answers change your location decisions across sectors and value chain segments?

In this two-part webinar series, we will be hosting sector-focused discussions to explore answers to these questions. Guest panelists from government investment agencies in key ASEAN countries will be sharing insights on individual country strengths and how complementary segments of a value chain can be optimized across multiple ASEAN locations for the following sectors:

  • Electronics
  • Automotive

ASEAN electronics sector

The ASEAN-6 countries continue to play an important role in the global electronics supply chain, contributing a significant 15% to global ICT goods exports and a staggering US$384 billion in value to electric and electronic exports globally.

Host to production of both capital- and labor-intensive stages of electronics manufacturing, multinational companies in this sector participate in almost all segments of the value chain in ASEAN, accounting for more than 80% of the world's hard disk drives and 20% of the world's integrated circuit exports. The region's strong performance in a wide variety of industry subsectors within this sector demonstrates the successful manner in which many aspects of production, R&D and other activities can be undertaken across multiple ASEAN member states.

ASEAN automotive sector

Collectively, the ASEAN region was the sixth largest producer of vehicles in 2019 globally, boasting a compound annual growth rate of 7.5% since 2010. The ASEAN automotive sector has become a dominant market and production hub for both original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and auto parts suppliers due to a rapidly growing consumer market, integrated supply chains and comparatively lower labor costs to that of developed nations.

All ASEAN member states currently participate in different segments of the automotive value chain to varying degrees, with auto part suppliers well integrated in supporting regional production networks. Moving forward, automation and the electrification of vehicles and vehicular components are expected to have a significant impact on the regional sector landscape, as OEMs, spurred by ASEAN government policy, accelerate research and development on electric vehicles and suppliers deploy automation to improve productivity.

Date: Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. ET , 8.00 a.m. PT, 5:00 p.m. EU CEST, 4:00 p.m. BST

Registration: Register for this event.


  • Nelson Samuel Wilson, Director of the Malaysian Investment Development Authority's New York Office and the Consul Investment based at the Consulate General Office of Malaysia

  • Rafaelita M. Aldaba, Undersecretary for Competitiveness and Innovation, Philippines Department of Trade and Industry, Member of the Board of Governors of the Philippine Board of Investments

  • Muchammad Iqbal, Director of the New York Office, Indonesia Investment Promotion Center

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