09 June 2021 EY Podcast: monthly ITS Washington Dispatch (May 2021) EY’s monthly Washington Dispatch podcast summarizes recent developments in US international taxation. Highlights of this month's edition include: US Treasury ‘Green Book’ offers new details on international tax proposals Senate hearing discusses Biden Administration’s international tax proposals House bill would require SEC regulations on CbC financial information disclosure, including taxes US proposes 15% global corporate minimum tax to BEPS 2.0 Steering Group President Biden proposes increased IRS budget to improve tax compliance IRS modifies guidance on accounting method changes for certain foreign corporations IRS official comments on treaty derivative benefits post-Brexit US Government releases early drafts of 2021 Schedules K-2 and K-3 for Forms 1065, 1120-S and 8865 Parties to OECD MLI release interpretative guidance Register for this monthly podcast on iTunes here. Document ID: 2021-5646 |