27 October 2021

Italian Government approves 2022 Budget document and proposes postponement of Italy's Sugar Tax and Plastic Tax to 2023

On 19 October 2021, the Italian Government approved the 2022 Budget document including the main measures expected to be included in the 2022 Budget Law. The Budget document was transmitted to the Italian Parliament and the European Commission.

As part of the 2022 Budget document release, the Italian Government announced a postponement of the Sugar Tax and Plastic Tax from 2022 to 2023.

Although the introduction of these taxes in Italy has been postponed by a year, impacted companies should continue to prepare for their implementation, particularly with respect to identifying the necessary data and preparing for adjustments to IT and accounting systems.

EY Italy will monitor the legislative process of the next Budget Law to report on whether such postponement is confirmed through the legislative process. The postponement will have to be introduced in the 2022 Budget Law, which draft is expected in November with final approval by the Italian Parliament in December 2021.


For additional information with respect to this Alert, please contact the following:

Studio Legale Tributario, Rome

Nicoletta Mazzitelli | nicoletta.mazzitelli@it.ey.com

Alessandra Di Salvo alessandra.di.salvo@it.ey.com

Serena Paone | serena.paone@it.ey.com

Giovanna Martucci | giovanna.martucci@it.ey.com

Studio Legale Tributario, Milan

Studio Legale Tributario, Treviso

Studio Legale Tributario, Turin

Document ID: 2021-6104