12 April 2022

EY Global Tax Controversy Flash Newsletter (Issue 45) | What 2022 may hold for global tax policy and controversy

On a recent webcast, EY Global Tax Policy and Controversy leaders discussed key findings from EY’s 2022 Tax Policy & Controversy Outlook. Common themes from the 68-country survey highlight the critical role tax plays in policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, sustainability, digitalization and globalization of the economy, and overall economic stability.

Ongoing multilateral initiatives are expected to play a large role in the 2022 global tax environment. Climate policies are also expected to grow in popularity and scope. And, as in prior years, transfer pricing is expected to be a core focus of tax authorities around the world.

With significant changes to tax policy and enforcement expected in many jurisdictions, businesses need to monitor global developments that are shaping these policies, model proposals as they are released, and, where appropriate, engage with policymakers to help explain the business impacts.

Additional information and links to past newsletters can be found in the attached PDF.


Flash Newsletter attachment (Issue 45)

Document ID: 2022-5365