18 May 2022

Now available! Digital services tax – 2022 jurisdiction activity summary (18 May 2022)

An updated version of EY's DST jurisdiction activity summary is now available.  The summary outlines the DST status, scope, rate, thresholds, exclusions, and effective date dates for 37 jurisdictions. It also includes links to relevant EY Global Tax Alerts and EY contact details.

EY's activity summary provides the latest information, correct as of 18 May 2022. Legislative changes or status updates since the publication of the previous summary (14 December 2021) have been made to the following jurisdictions:



Canada - Federal

United States - Maryland



This document provides information in summary form only and reflects  activity as the document date. It should not be relied upon as accounting, tax,  legal or other professional advice.

The below PDF provides details.


Digital services tax – jurisdiction activity summary (updated as of 18 May 2022)

Document ID: 2022-5492