15 November 2022

EY Global Tax Controversy Flash Newsletter (Issue 52) | Gaining control: the growing need for good governance in tax

Tax governance — the roles, policies, procedures and practices an organization has to identify, escalate, and mitigate tax risk and controversy — is rapidly growing in importance. Increased interest in environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting, and new national-level requirements from many revenue authorities have made tax policy, tax strategy and governance of tax operations core elements of a company’s operations and risk management. 

Continuing our series of country-focused articles describing revenue authority programs that test tax governance, we discuss the UK’s Business Risk Review+ (BRR+) program and Singapore’s new Tax Governance Framework (TGF) and Tax Risk Management and Control Framework for Corporate Income Tax (CTRM) programs. Additionally, the article, What companies should know about rising employment tax risks, further reiterates the need for governance of tax operations.

Additional information and links to past newsletters can be found in the attached PDF.


Flash Newsletter attachment (Issue 52)

Document ID: 2022-6100