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19 April 2024 Saudi Arabia issues guidelines for Regional Headquarters Tax and zakat rules
On 15 April 2024, the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA) published on its website the Guidelines of the regional headquarters in the Kingdom: a guideline to clarify the tax and zakat provisions applied on the activities of regional headquarters* (the Guidelines), offering additional details on the Regional Headquarters Tax Rules (RHQ Tax Rules) published in February 2024. The Guidelines confirm that the 30-year tax holiday is restricted to corporate income tax and withholding tax — i.e., the general rules for zakat, value-added tax (VAT) and real estate transaction tax (RETT) will continue to apply to RHQs. (*Note that the current version of the Guidelines has only been issued in the Arabic language. We understand that the ZATCA is in the process of issuing a translated English version.) The Guidelines provide additional details on the economic substance requirements applicable to RHQs and how the ZATCA is expected to evaluate compliance with economic substance requirements. The Guidelines also provide illustrative examples with respect to RHQs' qualification criteria, reporting and other requirements. On 5 December 2023, Saudi Arabia announced a 30-year tax incentive to multinational companies willing to establish their RHQ in Saudi Arabia. Following this announcement, the ZATCA published the RHQ Tax Rules on 16 February 2024. (See EY Global Tax Alerts, Saudi Arabia offers 30-year tax holiday under Regional Headquarters program, dated 15 December 2023, and Saudi Arabia unveils new tax rules for the Regional Headquarters program, dated 21 February 2024.) The Guidelines clarify numerous provisions of the RHQ Tax Rules and the ZATCA's position on specific topics, such as applicability of the zakat and VAT regimes, tax residency and permanent establishment (PE) risks for the regional companies supported by the RHQ. RHQs will be eligible to benefit from the tax incentives (i.e., 30-year corporate income tax and withholding tax holiday) if the criteria set by the Ministry of Investment of Saudi Arabia (MISA) are met, including:
The RHQ's registration in Saudi Arabia should be made via the e-services portal of the MISA, which requires submission of certain documents and details related to the entity and its shareholders. The Guidelines reiterate the economic substance requirements applicable to RHQs while providing the following additional clarifications:
To verify that economic substance requirements are met, RHQs shall submit an annual report using the form that will be prescribed by the ZATCA and shall comply with the procedures specified by the ZATCA. The Guidelines also emphasize that RHQs must not conduct any commercial activities other than those that it is licensed to practice. All commercial activities must be separately carried out by subsidiaries that hold the necessary commercial licenses. If an RHQ engages in activities outside the scope of its RHQ license, these would be considered as ineligible activities, which shall be: The general tax residency requirements should apply to an RHQ and its subsidiaries. In other words, the relevant entity should be considered resident if: (1) the RHQ is established in accordance with the Saudi Companies Law or (2) its place of central management (PCM) is in Saudi Arabia. A PCM is established when at least two of the following conditions are met:
A nonresident affiliate should not be considered a tax resident (or be deemed to have a PE) in Saudi Arabia merely because of the support functions carried out by the group's RHQ in Saudi Arabia. The "Force of Attraction" rule should apply to RHQs, unless it takes the form of an LLC in Saudi Arabia. Under this rule, if the nonresident head office is providing goods and/or services to a Saudi customer that are the same or similar to the goods and/or services of the RHQ, income from such goods and/or services also must be reported in the RHQ's tax return, unless relief is available under a double tax treaty between Saudi Arabia and the counterparty jurisdiction. The tax incentives may be revoked in the event of tax avoidance as stipulated in relevant tax laws, and also in the following cases:
The 30-year tax holiday does not cover VAT, zakat and RETT. Accordingly, the current VAT rules apply to the supplies undertaken by the RHQ. Registration of an RHQ for tax/zakat purposes is done automatically upon obtaining a license from the MISA, provided that this tax registration takes place before the end of the fiscal year. But, the RHQ may need to register for VAT purposes, as follows:
The RHQ must issue a tax invoice for each supply of taxable goods or services in compliance with the respective VAT and e-invoicing provisions. The RHQ is entitled to recover input VAT to the extent these are used for the purposes of their overall economic activity. This includes the eligibility of the RHQ to recover input VAT prior to its registration in accordance with the Saudi VAT Implementing Regulations. RHQs are also subject to Saudi transfer pricing rules and requirements. RHQs should conduct all transactions with its related parties on an arm's-length basis. Other tax and zakat compliance requirements and procedures also apply to RHQ (i.e., tax return filing, books and records keeping, tax assessments, objection and appeal procedures, and fines and penalties). Companies that have already set up or intend to set up an RHQ in Saudi Arabia are encouraged to review the provisions in the Guidelines and assess the applicability of the rules, accordingly, including eligibility to avail of the tax incentives and potential impact.
Document ID: 2024-0827 | ||||||